Business Partnerships
Greetings from Face To Face Lifestyles. If you are a business who would like to explore using our company to help you with your sales you have come to the right place.
Our sales team greets customers Face To Face at retail outlets where we set up portable sales kiosks and at events throughout the Twin Cities metro area. We partner with businesses such as newspapers, recycling/trash haulers, magazine companies, home improvement companies, travel and lifestyle companies, online couponing companies. If you need a professional sales team to support your sales efforts we would love to speak with you about the opportunities to partner with Face To Face Lifestyles to see if we are a good fit to help you attain your sales goals. We look forward to speaking with you.
CALL: (651) 735-5927
EMAIL: dan@f2flifestyles.com
Friends of Face To Face Lifestyles
Thrifty Minnesota celebrates the fun side of living in Minnesota. We focus on fun and often free or inexpensive local events, activities, deals and more. Our biggest draw each year is our round-up of all the city-wide garage sales throughout the state. We appreciate all the help from our loyal readers to compile the list – it’s a lot of work!
Thrifty Minnesota
YouthWorks provides Christ-centered mission trips for more than 20,000 teenagers and adult leaders in over 50 communities across the U.S. and beyond. We believe that these kinds of mission trip experiences positively impact the communities we partner with, the teenagers who are stretched and challenged through a week of service, and the adult leaders who build mission trips into the ongoing discipleship of their teenagers. Our staff has been creating mission trip experiences for teenagers and adult leaders for more than 25 years.
Greetings! I’m Lisa, founder and owner of TwinCitiesFrugalMom.com! The Twin Cities are so rich in art, music, culture & entertainment, there are so many choices when it comes to retail, and there is no shortage of ways to have fun on your own or with friends and family. But with so many people losing their jobs and homes here (and elsewhere) in recent years, and with prices constantly creeping up, we all have had to find ways to live on less. Plus, from 2006 – 2008 our family paid off $25,000 in debt, and we have stayed (mostly!) debt-free since. So in 2008 I thought, hey, how about creating a site where I can share ideas for how to save money while still enjoying all the metro area has to offer?